At Kentner Sellers, you are not a number. You are our associate. Our team members are intellectually stimulating, honest, contributing members of their profession and the community. Everyone at the firm is on a friendly, first-name basis, including the partners. We are dedicated to developing and sustaining a healthy balance between your career and your personal life.
The major difference between working for our firm and a large national firm is that you will have more opportunities for promotion sooner. If you prove yourself to be talented and qualified, the partner track is more attainable at our firm, and in a considerably shorter time period, than at a large national firm.
As a company serving the community, we are in the business of helping our clients and ourselves set and reach personal and business goals. We employ and train highly qualified professionals and provide an attractive and pleasant working environment in which all members of the firm are motivated to achieve the maximum potential for the firm’s clients and themselves. Retention leads to continuity; continuity leads to efficiency. Our relationship with our clients and employees, and our approach to service delivery, is embodied in our FOCUS statement:
F – First Time, On Time
O – Offer Recommendations, Be Creative
C – Communication and Caring
U – Under-Promise, Over-Deliver
S – Sell Yourself, the Firm, and the Client
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